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🎥 A Sabedoria Atemporal de Investimento de Warren Buffett
Bem-vindo ao Com Lucro, onde trazemos os insights dos maiores investidores de todos os tempos! 🌟 Neste vídeo, Warren Buffett explica o princípio central do investimento: fazer o dinheiro trabalhar para você e gerar mais dinheiro. Esqueça gráficos, tendências e opiniões de analistas—tudo se resume ao fluxo de caixa e ao valor de longo prazo.

👉 Principais Destaques:

Entenda por que a única razão para investir é o fluxo de caixa futuro.
Descubra como Buffett avalia investimentos como Coca-Cola ao longo de 200+ anos.
Saiba a importância de perguntar: Quanto dinheiro você vai receber? Quando você o receberá? Qual a certeza disso?
Veja como esse princípio se aplica a fazendas, imóveis, petróleo ou qualquer ativo.
💼 Pronto para investir com inteligência? Assista agora e aprenda com os conselhos atemporais de Warren Buffett!

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#WarrenBuffett #DicasDeInvestimento #FluxoDeCaixa #InvestimentoDeValor #CocaCola #AtivosFinanceiros #ConselhosDeInvestimento #InvestimentoDeLongoPrazo #ComLucro #SabedoriaFinanceira


00:00 - The only reason for making investment and laying 
out money now is to get more money later on,   right? That's that's what investing is 
all about. If you buy Coca-Cola today,   the company is selling for about 110 to $115 
billion in the market. The question is, if you   had 110 or 115 billion, you wouldn't be listening 
to me. But... I'd be listening to you instead... But the question is, would you lay it out today 
to get what the Coca-Cola company is going to  
00:26 - deliver to you over the next 200 or 300 years? 
Discount rate doesn't make much difference after,   as you get further out. But, and that is the 
question how much cash they're going to give   you. It isn’t the question of, you know, the 
question about how many analysts are going to   recommend it or what the volume in the stock 
is, or what the chart looks like or anything. It's a question of how much cash it's going to 
get. That's the only reason. It's the truth. If  
00:46 - you're buying a farm, it's true. If you're buying 
an apartment house, any financial asset for oil   in the ground, you're laying out cash and how to 
get more cash back later on. And the question is,   is how much you're going to get, when are 
you going to get it, and how sure are you?

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