Evite Erros e Maximize Lucros com Setups de Alta Probabilidade
📈 Dominando Configurações de Alta Probabilidade com Phil Goedeker 💡
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🎯 Neste vídeo, Phil Goedeker compartilha sua abordagem vencedora: operar apenas configurações com 80-90% de chances de sucesso. Descubra como ele maximiza lucros, evita trades impulsivos e mantém a disciplina para resultados consistentes. Se você quer operar como os profissionais e alcançar melhores resultados no mercado, não perca!
👉 Pontos Principais:
A importância de identificar configurações de alta probabilidade.
Por que é vantajoso aumentar o tamanho das operações quando as chances estão a seu favor.
Como evitar trades por tédio melhora sua performance a longo prazo.
A disciplina de esperar o momento certo para operar.
💬 Conecte-se com a gente:
Site: Com Lucro
Twitter: @canalcomlucro
📢 Curta, compartilhe e comente suas opiniões abaixo!
#TradingDisciplinado #AltaProbabilidade #GestãoDeRiscos #EstratégiasDeTrading #MercadoFinanceiro #DayTrade #PhilGoedeker #MindsetTrader
00:00:00,080 --> 00:00:03,159
I like to trade the best setups out
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there setups that I know I'm going to be
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profitable on 80 to 90% of the time and
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I like to use size with those setups you
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know I ask a question if you have if you
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see a setup and you say hey nine out of
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10 times I'm going to make money on this
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setup why would you why would you not
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want to put big money behind that trade
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you know why would you not want to I
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think the risk reward is definitely on
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your side
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there I think you know for me personally
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the big money's and the big wins I'm not
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going to get rich scalping it's just not
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for me um and I certainly know I'm not
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going to lose money on boredom trades
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because I just don't play you know if
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the setup's not there I sit on my hands
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if not I'll just leave for the day I
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don't I never feel forced to trade