Será que sua teimosia tá sabotando seu sucesso no trading?

🧠 Por que é tão difícil cortar perdas?

Phil Goedeker explica como a teimosia e o viés podem ser os grandes responsáveis pelas maiores perdas de traders. Seja por não querer admitir estar errado, confiar cegamente nas próprias pesquisas ou assumir posições grandes demais, este vídeo revela os erros de mentalidade que você precisa evitar.

📌 Pontos Principais:

Por que resistimos a cortar perdas
O impacto do viés nas decisões de trading
Como a teimosia amplifica suas perdas
A importância de assumir responsabilidade pelos seus trades
👉 Assista agora e aprenda como evitar esses erros custosos no mercado!

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📚 Aprenda estratégias avançadas de trading:

#ErrosNoTrading #PsicologiaDoTrading #CorteAsPerdas #ViésCognitivo #MentalidadeDeTrader #GestãoDeRisco #DicasDeTrading


00:00:00,080 --> 00:00:03,919
now let's talk about being stubborn for

00:00:01,680 --> 00:00:06,520
a minute why is it that we refuse to cut

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losses that we sometimes we refuse to be

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wrong or has the research we've done on

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any particular stock made us so overly

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biased that we think the market is wrong

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and we are right or did we possibly take

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on too much size overnight on a lowf

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flat stock that's opened dramatically

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against us you know there there's

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numerous reasons we take losses in the

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market you know I think at the end of

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the day our losses are are you know

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there basically are fa I mean sure

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there's always there can be unexpected

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news or events but at the end of the day

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I think it's our stubbornness that leads

00:00:35,719 --> 00:00:39,040
to some of our biggest losses

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